Individual Package is offered to an individual or a group of individuals not more than 10 in number . Guests are offered a warm and cordial welcome at Kallenchery Island with the serene ,healthy , refreshing and rejuvenating tastes of tender coconut drink which will be followed by a very homely and leisurely acquaintance with the village activities enjoying the love and hospitality of the innocent villagers and getting refreshed with the serenity of the healthy ,hygeinic and totally pollution- free atmosphere and ambience .
This package can be enjoyed either with or without lunch / dinner(according to the segment chosen by the guests) .
The duration of the package will be about two and a half hours if the guest choose the ‘without meal’ package and about three and a half hours if the guests opt in for a very nutritious and delicious meal which our guests can enjoy in the natural and rejuvenating ambience of the Island enjoying the natural serenity of backwaters